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Empowering leaders to deliver methane management

的 global pledge to reduce

在COP26, 100多个国家同意了欧盟和美国的全球甲烷承诺,该承诺旨在到2030年将甲烷排放量在2020年的基础上减少30%. According to the Global Methane Assessment prepared by the 联合国 Environment Programme, 减少甲烷排放是帮助实现全球气候目标和减缓变暖速度的最具成本效益的解决方案之一.

全球甲烷承诺 Global methane assessment


As a part of this pledge, 美国总统乔·拜登宣布了通过协调工业和机构努力减少甲烷排放的提议, 制定政策,最大限度地减少甲烷主要排放源的污染, including the oil and gas sector, 垃圾填埋场, and the agriculture sector.


遵守, organisations will need to implement an emissions monitoring programme, 性能标准, 系统优化,减少排放和资产修改,以确保运营成本和资本支出的商业价值, while increasing their engagement with stakeholders. To reach the goals established by the US, 能源行业将需要在减少排放方面发挥积极作用,并与美国制定的法规保持一致.S. Methane Emissions Reduction Action Plan. 例如, 美国环境保护署(EPA)在该计划中制定的新标准建议减少新的和现有的石油和天然气来源的排放, 设备, and operations by about 75%. If all countries that have pledged are able to deliver their actions plans, the pledge would reduce global warming by at least 0.到2050年2°C.



的 countries involved represent 70% of the global economy and to support the pledge, 通过全球慈善机构承诺提供3.28亿美元,以鼓励在世界范围内扩大减少甲烷的战略.


Methane management solution

Deliver measurement action

采取行动的必要性是显而易见的,而这一过程的第一步是确定释放了多少甲烷. 技术规划起着至关重要的作用,在检测泄漏和设备故障方面取得了长足的进步, from state-of the art cameras to satellites, there are several promising technologies supporting and elevating methane measurement. Improved data enables better allocation of resources and specific emission reduction efforts.

Methane is a powerful greenhouse gas, 作为吸热气体,它的强度是二氧化碳的几十倍,当它逃逸到空气中时很难被探测到. It is estimated that reducing fugitive emissions and flaring could contribute 1.5 GtCO2e in annual abatement by 2050, at a cost of less than $15/tCO2e.

木材正在使用 自主机器人 收集数据,并使用多传感器物理准确地将甲烷泄漏和逸散排放归因于数字孪生. 我们正在与技术创新者合作,为客户开发甲烷探测和绘图功能. By processing the data autonomously at edge, we avoid training artificial intelligence (AI) and transferring large amounts of data. 的se technology solutions, 通过准确检测资产内甲烷泄漏和逸散排放的大小和位置,使客户能够以较低的成本实现资产脱碳.


Previously leak detection methods were manual, 昂贵的, 耗费时间, 受人为错误的影响,只能在技术人员在现场的特定时刻检测到泄漏.

Wood is leading a step-change in industry’s approach to detecting, quantifying and reducing methane emissions. Data-driven solutions like 设想 can detect methane emissions in real-time. It can embed simulation tools, 预测模型, data ingestion at varying frequencies, 创建适合用途的计算例程,并托管一个法规报告库,以实现报告过程的自动化.

With new monitoring technologies comes a wealth of data, which in the past would have been almost impossible to make sense of. 我们正在利用人工智能来管理资产状况,通过计算管道监测,为公司管理碳氢化合物提供了一些技术辅助, visual surveillance and acoustic emission in-line inspections.

利用人工智能来管理工厂的状况也被证明可以提供一些技术辅助,帮助公司通过计算管道监测来管理碳氢化合物, visual surveillance and acoustic emission in-line inspections.

Resolving repeat failures that cause process trips or shutdowns, stopping flaring and venting, ensuring operating parameters have not moved significantly from original efficiency levels, 发现和解决导致逸散性排放的资产完整性问题不仅仅是缓解排放的解决方案, 但为剩余电力或捕获的天然气提供了可观的成本效益和潜在的货币化机会.

Accelerated licence to operate

Aside from the environmental gains, organisations with lower emissions are increasingly likely to enjoy 商业利益 over higher-emitting sources. This is relevant for both old and new assets. This focus is important for existing assets, where technology and asset modifications are required to improve emissions.

我们知道,商业可见度的公众形象正在加快步伐,越来越重视环境问题, social and governance goals and contributions. 的 sustainability and societal impact of an investment is being increasingly scrutinised, 随着监管和政策继续影响排放,我们看到主要排放国定期宣布雄心勃勃的净零排放目标.

Regulation, compliance and operational performance are all connected. 这是一个不断变化的领域,行业内主要参与者之间的合作至关重要. We need to ensure policy, public sector investment and direction is focused in the right way, 在政策和法规方面,将产生最大的影响,并为投资者和运营商创造一个有吸引力的主张.

Strategic roadmap to commercial success

联合国 同意到2030年,石油、天然气和煤炭行业最有潜力实现有针对性的减排. Targeted measures could reduce emissions from the oil and gas sector by 29-58 Mt/yr. 重要的是,对于资本支出和运营支出而言,高达80%的油气措施可以以负成本或低成本实施. 废物和农业部门进一步采取有针对性的措施,每年可减少约6600万吨的排放量. How you implement these reductions on a live, revenue generating asset in a safe manner is complex. Operators need to ensure that here is minimal disruption to cashflow, capex while maximising safety.

How organisations make these reductions will require operators and developers to map their journey to mitigate and reduce methane emissions. 我们正在利用SCORE路线图与客户合作,以充分了解政策前景和甲烷基线, before defining objectives and targets for reductions through benchmarking, assessing market impacts and taking consideration of policy and corporate strategy. 的n helping to review and map assets to enable development of methane pathway scenarios.



As proposed by the US EPA, we will need to replace and upgrade thousands of existing oil and gas wells, many of which are decades old. That means leveraging technology to modernise 设备 and operations. 的 pace of innovation and technological solutions have a major part to play in methane reduction, 从生产和输送新能源的技术到将改变我们使用能源方式的数字创新. 利用数据和数字技术还提供了一种资本密集程度较低的途径来优化运营绩效, target energy production and minimise waste.

A continually evolving landscape and suite of interrelated societal, economic and commercial complexities present challenges to reducing methane emissions. But by understanding the opportunities that exist, 无论是通过优化工艺和能源效率,还是专注于检测和维修, 通过抵消排放将使组织处于一种可以减少对环境的影响并减少甲烷排放的方式,同时保持商业竞争力并减少其市场风险.

United by our common purpose to unlock solutions to the world’s most critical challenges, 我们为未来做好了准备, 现在.