
灶神星甲烷化 for renewable natural gas production

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Alternative fuels to reduce the carbon impact in the natural gas value chain

Fueling the low-carbon economy


Renewable natural gas produced from biogas, power-to-gas and biomass gasification, is a clean and low-carbon alternative to conventional natural gas, that can be transported and distributed using the existing grid infrastructure.

Wood的VESTA催化甲烷化技术为天然气生产提供了一种高效的方法, 健壮的 and viable system that can be adapted to any source of syngas (e.g., from biomass or waste gasification), including the CO2-富气,通常用于沼气升级和基于绿色氢气和其他过程产生的二氧化碳的电力制气应用.

Clean energy for heating, power and transportation

可再生天然气是一种清洁、优良的能源载体,可直接引入现有的天然气管网. 生物基市场领域的应用包括住宅供暖(包括烹饪)。, cogeneration and transportation systems.

沼气行业可再生天然气的生产潜力为100亿Nm3 of biomethane by 2030 (90% from agriculture matrices and 20% from organic wastes, non-biogenic sources and gasification). The production of biomethane delivers a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.

由于生产工厂易于与现有天然气网络连接以及成熟技术的可用性,可再生天然气预计将在能源领域发挥关键作用, 比如灶神星, for commercial applications.


Wood developed a simple methanation process called VESTA, powered by a high-performance catalyst from our partner, 科莱恩.

VESTA biogas methanation process chart



1. 生物质气化

第一种途径是通过使用独特的工厂配置(取决于所选择的气化技术)来生产清洁气体,这将对下游合成气成分产生影响, 随后, on the cleaning steps.

2. 沼气升级


3. 电力转天然气 (renewable hydrogen and CO2-CO)


在不同地区的政府激励下,生物质气化工厂在经济上具有吸引力(例如,先进生物燃料原料激励或替代燃料走廊(AFC)赠款以及英国和欧洲大陆的类似计划)。, 在北美也是如此,或者作为一种整合和利用低品位热量的途径.

沼气升级 and power-to-gas systems allows the widest use of RNG, not only for power generation but to provide an alternative for transport, industrial and domestic energy demands in all green economies.